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The Edgy Pearl

If you are looking for classy jewelry with elements of edginess to make the ultimate statement, look no further. Individually hand made with genuine pearls, natural stones and genuine leather our creations give you the versatility to go upscale or laidback and everywhere in between. We’re sure to have something for most everyone - Click here to check us out!

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Turtle Lady

At TurtleLady.com you will find original artwork featuring sea turtles, manatees and tropical experiences by artist Susan Roberts that have been reproduced onto a growing line of merchandise.  Brand new to the marketplace and perfect for gift giving, these beautiful items are colorful, useful and have been selling successfully both nationally and internationally at gift shops and outlets that carry them. Click here to see what all the excitement is about!

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Tide Trash

Tide Trash is all about cleaning the oceans one cube at a time! Our goal is for you to help eliminate ocean waste, support local beach cleaning crews and at the same time for you to own a symbolic piece of ocean art that has its origins from around the globe. Check us out and see how you can help our oceans by clicking on this link!

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